FAQ / TroubleShooting

[Imposter Anticheat+] Server cannot auth you. Try disable your http proxy!

For friendcode and puid stuffs to work, we force-require players to join our server with a same ip from the one it used in http requests.
You need to either disable your proxy, or make sure your proxy full-route your traffic to our server.
For some phone players, it may be useful for you to toggle on "Flight mode" and off and retry join the server.

Vanilla DuplicateConnectionDetected

If you (or your friend) use different accounts to join our server from a same network, you will get this.
We assign friendcodes and auth details based on your ip. We are unable to deal with the cases where "2 alts join from a single IP"
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

[Impostor AntiCheat+] Host didn't spawn you in time

This is because the host failed to spawn your role in 3 seconds.
This process is completely managed by host. If host or server is too laggy, this might happen.
Try rejoin first, ask your host for help then, and finally report issues to NikoCat233.

[Impostor Anticheat+] Too many clients from a same ip.

This is because our server limits you to only have 2 online clients from a same network.

[Impostor Anticheat+] Too many clients from a same puid.

Similar from above one but it's because you try to join the server with a same AU account.

[Impostor Anticheat+] You are banned by EAC previously.
Or Vanilla Cheating/Hacking (2114-5-14)

You are banned by TOHE EAC. Appeal at discord.gg/tohe

[Imposter AntiCheat+] You are kicked because of cheating.

First make sure you are not cheating.
If you are a modded host and this occured, this is probably because your mod doesnt apply the "+25 modded protocol". You need to ask to your mod's developer to add the protocol or play on our second server(AntiCheat disabled)
If you are a modded client(non host), then its probably because your mod is sending rpc calls that normally won't be sent by a client. First ask to your mod's developer. Then report issues to NikoCat233.
If above solutions doesnt ease the issue, report issues to NikoCat233 and try our second region where AntiCheat is completely disabled.

[Impostor STCM+]


Server failed to handle your packet

This may happen sometimes. Make sure host and clients network is good.
If it occurs crazily, report issues to NikoCat233

Vanilla TooManyRequests while matchmaking

You failed InnerSloth auth for too many times.
Try play on InnerSloth servers for a while, wait for around 15 minutes and try rejoin our server.
If it occurs crazily, report issues to NikoCat233

Vanilla "Your communications settings are blocking you from joining the game"

This is because you are using a guest account to join our server.
Sorry, we don't allow that currently.

Vanilla The AmongUs server cannot Auth you. / Sabotage!

If you can join InnerSloth Servers, try rejoin.
If you keep getting this and you believe that this is not your fault, report issues to NikoCat233

Other Errors

If you meet other errors and you believe its server's fault, report issues to NikoCat233